From town to town


Each city is an experience in itself. As you connect more of them, the experiences turn into a big story. Create it on your own or choose one of the programmes offered by the Association of Historic Towns of Slovenia in cooperation with selected agencies.

While visiting Slovenia, do not skip the capital city of Slovenia - Ljubljana - with Plečnik's architecture, the castle, the marketplace and other creations of the renowned architect.


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Piran • Škofja Loka • Kranj • Celje • Ptuj The preserved medieval town walls, which once provided security and survival, today awaken the imagination with countless stories. Enjoy a stroll along the most beautiful highlights of Slovenian history.

Day 1 - Piran
Day 2 - Škofja Loka and Kranj
Day 3 - Celje
Day 4 - Ptuj

Day 1 - Piran

Rising above Piran is a preserved section of the once mighty Renaissance town wall. It offers exceptional views of the sea and the town, which has “grown on salt”. Salt harvesting, which you can still see in the saltpans of Sečovlje, gave rise to the booming town at the time of the Venetian Republic. This is shown in a multimedia presentation in Mediadom.


Day 2 - Škofja Loka and Kranj

In Škofja Loka, open your eyes to the Gothic and Renaissance features of the walled medieval town at the foot of the hill, and Loka Castle. Today, the castle houses the Loka Museum, which presents the more than 1000 years of history of the town renowned for the Škofja Loka Passion Play – a staging of the oldest dramatic text in Slovenian language, classified as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

In Kranj, let your imagination be stirred by the times when the town was protected by walls with no fewer than eight defence towers. The importance of the town is manifested by the rich archaeological findings presented at the Gorenjska Museum in Pungert, where Khislstein Castle is also located. With its summer stage, it is the venue for many events throughout the year.

Škofja Loka

Day 3 - Celje

Celje is the town of the counts of Cilli or Celje, the only noble family on Slovenian soil and one of the most important families in Southeast Europe. Their mighty and fortified castle, today known as the Old Castle, is the venue of a lively festival summer pulse. The Princely Palace in the city centre with the exhibition A Town Beneath Today’s Town presents the remains of Roman Celeia, an important ancient city.


Day 4 - Ptuj

Ptuj is the oldest Slovenian town, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds from Roman times. Ptuj Castle is one of the most important fortifications to defend against the Turks, with the preserved ancient defence system in the castle complex. The castle houses the Ptuj Museum with its rich collections. Make sure to include a visit to the oldest winery in Slovenia in your town tour.


Naslov nad zavihkom in celotni naslov

Naslov nad zavihkom in celotni naslov

Spoznajte bogato zgodovino mesta na sprehodu ob najvišjem srednjeveškem mestnem obzidju na Slovenskem. V 90 minutah odkrijte številne zgodbe o mestu in njegovih prebivalcih. Po ogledu vas bomo popeljali tudi v svet skladatelja Huga Wolfa s pokušino Wolfove aromatične kave (ali brezalkoholne pijače).



test vsebina


Po poti rokodelskih tradicij

Po poti rokodelskih tradicij

Mesta, v katerih so rokodelci srednjeveških cehov svoje izdelke nekoč prodajali na sejmih, še danes ohranjajo mojstrska izročila, stare jedi in glasbo minulih časov. V okolico sejemskih mest pogosto vabijo vinogradi in značilne gostilne z lokalno kulinariko.

1. dan – Jesenice in Tržič
2. dan – Radovljica
3. dan – Idrija
4. dan – Kamnik

1. dan – Jesenice in Tržič

Jesenice ponujajo ogled Stare Save – edinstvenega fužinskega območja v Evropi – osrednji trg, ostanki plavža, delavska Kasarna, Bucelleni-Ruardova graščina, cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja ter Kolpern – skladišče oglja. Na potep se odpravite po jeseniškem delavskem zajtrku.
Tržič je mesto čevljarskih zgodb, ob koncu 19. stoletja je bila v vsaki drugi hiši čevljarska delavnica. To dediščino spoznavamo v Tržiškem muzeju, na potepu po centru mesta, kjer sledimo odtisom čevljev, in na Šuštarski nedelji, eni od najbolj obiskanih prireditev v tem delu Slovenije.


2. dan – Radovljica

Radovljica je mesto čebelarstva in številnih sladkosti. Oglejte si Čebelarski muzej sredi mesta in čebelnjak v bližnji Breznici. Na lectarski delavnici si izdelajte sladko lectovo srce, v izvrstnih gostilnah pa poskusite tudi certificirane dobrote Okusi Radol´ce. Na poti do Gradu Kamen se ustavite v Vili Podvin, hiši vrhunske kulinariko z Michelinovo zvezdico.


3. dan – Idrija

Idrija preseneča z dediščino drugega največjega rudnika živega srebra na svetu, vpisanega na UNESCO seznam Svetovne dediščine. Poiščite jamskega škrata v Antonijevem rovu in poizkusite rudarsko grenčico geruš. Spretne roke v tem mestu navdušijo s prikazom izdelave idrijske čipke in pripravo idrijskih žlikrofov, evropsko zaščitene kulinarične specialitete.


4. dan – Kamnik

Kamnik je bil že v srednjem veku cvetoče trgovsko mesto, o čemer priča arhitekturna dediščina. Na enem izmed gradov v neposredni bližini mesta prisluhnite zgodbi o kamniški Veroniki. Na zamudite največjega etnološkega festivala v Sloveniji – Dneva narodnih noš. Pred odhodom poizkusite trnič – sir, ki so ga pastirji z Velike planine podarjali svojim izbrankam.
