TIC Ravne na Koroškem
What to see in this city?
Get to know the city

Forma viva: by taking a stroll around town discover the steel masterpieces of world renowned artists. Steel sculptures Forma vivas are a site of special interest in Ravne na Koroškem. Artists, sculptors from fifteen different countries have, with the help of steel masters from Ravne’s steel factory, created over thirty remarkable works of art made of iron and steel, which enrichen the architectural image or the town and its surroundings and represent one of the most unique outdoor exhibitions in Europe.
Ravne castle/The Dr. Franc Sušnik Central Carinthian Library: Ravne castle is located on a gravel terrace above the town centre and is around five hundred years old. After its final renovation in the 19th century the castle portrays a neo-baroque outlook, otherwise its architecture is composed of many different styles due to numerous conversions since the late gothic period. Since 1949 the castle is a home to the Dr. Franc Sušnik Central Carinthian Library, which is the main regional library in the Koroška region and is intended for a wide spectrum of users.
The Castle park: the largest urban park in the Koroška region. The castle part represents an aesthetic decoration of the town and is a popular place for relaxation and considered as the green lungs of the Meža valley.
The church of St. Egidij: built in the late 13th century. On the inside you can find several built-in tombstones from the late renaissance and early baroque period from the 17th and the 18th century. The church has two naves, a rich history and quality equipment and is considered to be one of the most interesting sacral monument in the NE part of Slovenia, partly due to its location in the town centre.
The town square: Ravne’s town square has remained unchanged since it was portrayed by J.V. Valvasor in the second half of the 17th century. Experts consider it an important town settlement in Slovenia. The most beautiful part of the old town square is Stara ulica street, which leads from the square to the church of St. Egidij.
“Prežihova bajta” – Prežihov Voranc memorial museum: is it located above Kotlje and it has been a memorial museum of a Slovenian writer Lovro Kuhar – Prežihov Voranc (1893 – 1950). The building is typical for a small farmer in the Koroška region called “bajtler”. Inside you can find interior from the writer’s youth and also some of his bibliographical and literature works.
“Janeževa domačija” – Janež homestead: located in the highest village in Slovenia, near the church of St. Urh. A mighty house is an incredible example of folk construction from the 17th century.