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Location:: Stari trg, Slovenske Konjice

Fest Mest Slovenske Konjice

Tomaž Hostnik in Slovenske Konjice, concert

29.7.2023 at 21.00

An accomplished pianist from an early age, chansonnier, composer and poet, Tomaž Hostnik is, among other things, the author of more than ninety compositions for various performers, whose lyrics have won various prestigious awards. Although he holds a Master’s degree from the University of Linz, his first mission is to be a (singer-)songwriter, a creator who loves cabaret and the dialect of his native Škofja Loka, and discovering musical expression in various ensembles.

He comes to Slovenske Konjice in the company of four experienced rockers, Matic Plemenitaš, Gregor Kolar, Jaka Krušič and Gregor Hrovat, with a rich selection of his own compositions, some of which have already been successfully presented on festival stages, and evergreen melodies full of inexhaustible youthful energy.

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